NCCP Christmas Message 2017

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.” (John 1.14)

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among (people) with whom God is pleased!” (Luke 2.13-14) Down the ages this has been the hymn of humanity in response to the greatest act of God’s love towards creation. God so loved the world and sent Jesus Christ to redeem it. (cf. John 3.16). God’s glory is revealed in Jesus Christ who redeemed us and will come again to judge the world. And as many who receive and believe in Christ become children of God (John 1.12)

Coping with the rapid changes and strife in our world today has its challenges. Among them are two sides of a coin: remaining thankful for God’s continuing providence and the grace to share what we have that others too, may experience the joy of God’s beneficence. This means the renewal of our minds and hearts towards a kinder and hospitable society lest we be likened to those “who knew him not” and sadder still, to those who “received him not.” (John 1.10-11) A kinder and hospitable society is in the interest of the human family now and in the future. By coming to us through the family, God’s humility and solidarity was manifested in Jesus Christ. It also points to the nature of a family as a primary example in shaping our society towards the ideal of mutual caring and sharing.

This Christmas, we bid you give thanks for the gift of family and all that this wondrous gift makes available. We bid you pray as well for all families that the bonds of love and devotion may abound in them. Even as we pray thus, we invite one and all to a renewed commitment to be partners with Jesus Christ, the sole reason of Christmas, for the harmony and peace of the wider family of human beings. Let us pray and strive that our unhappy divisions may cease. Through Christ and in Christ may the words spoken by the prophets of old, come to pass: “nation shall not lift up swords against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2.4)

From the NCCP household, Merry Christmas to one and all.

Justice Raoul V. Victorino, Ret.

Rev. Rex RB Reyes, Jr.

General Secretary