Whereas, the Regional and/or Provincial Ecumenical Councils (RECs), which evolved from the Regional Ecumenical Committees, are the visible expression of Christian Unity, primarily of the members of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines, in the regions and provinces;
Whereas, the RECs and other local ecumenical formations serve as a channel of the churches in their pursuit of ecumenical endeavors in the regions and provinces, wholistically responding to their needs, as well as to the needs and aspirations of the people;
Whereas, said formations are united based on faith in the One Lord, and that faith is affirmed through the One Body, which is the Church, expressed in common worship, fellowship, study, and service, incarnated in works of justice, healing, reconciliation, and empowerment;
Whereas, there is a need to update the NCCP Statement on the Regional Ecumenical Committee, issued on 26 September 1985 as a result of the Inter-Regional Ecumenical Committee Consultation in Tagaytay City;
Whereas, the levels of organizational development of regional and provincial ecumenical formations and the context of their respective regions have changed, and new challenges and needs have risen needing the support of the entire Council;
Be it therefore resolved as it is hereby resolved that the NCCP and its members endeavor to undertake the following:
1. To task the NCCP Secretariat to update the orientation on the Regional and Provicial Ecumenical Formations reflecting the current context of the regions and serving as guide in their ecumenical formation and organization;
2. To develop a long-term program in supporting the organizational assessment and development of the existing ecumenical formations;
3. To fervently encourage the member churches to form or join a local ecumenical formation in their region through their clergy and lay members; and
4. To actively involve the youth in revitalizing the local ecumenical formations, by supporting the organization of Regional and/or Local Ecumenical Youth Assemblies.
*This resolution was approved unanimously by the delegates of the 26th General Convention of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines on November 24, 2023.