NCCP Statement of Support to CBCP’s 2022 Pastoral Letter on Ecology

“Creation has been a silent victim of the conflicts between peoples and nations. Creation has been exploited for more efficient extermination of people and destruction of natural resources…The case of creation in contemporary context is to be seen in the perspective of the quest for justice and peace.”
(NCCP Policy Paper on Ecology adopted by the General Convention, November 1991)

The National Council of Churches in the Philippines fully supports the 2022 Pastoral Letter on Ecology of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) entitled “A call for unity and action amid a climate emergency and planetary crisis.” We commend their commitment “…to advance the teachings of the Laudato Si’ and be bearers of hope in the face of an ecological crisis, following our Lord Jesus, our redeemer… through concrete ecological actions in caring for our Common Home.”

Similarly, as part of the universal body of Christ, the NCCP reaffirms “our responsibility in the protection and enhancement of creation, and participation in welcoming the coming of a new heaven and a new earth.”1

NCCP recognizes that ecological protection is part of the overall struggle for justice and peace. Climate change is not merely an environmental concern but is a social justice issue. The Earth is groaning from climate crisis, with the poorest and most vulnerable bearing the brunt of its catastrophic impact. The disturbing fact is right in front of our faces when in the midst of a pandemic, millions of our fellow Filipinos struggled to survive and are still struggling to recover from the climate-induced super typhoons – Rolly and Odette, in a span of two years.

Despite the small contribution to the carbon emissions causing the unprecedented global warming, the Philippines consistently remains to be among the top countries prone to the devastating impacts of climate change. But this has not prevented private institutions and powerful trans-national corporations, in investing in fossil fuels, dirty energies and, extractive industries such as mining, logging and dam constructions, and other so-called development projects. The Philippine government has fully supported these programs and projects by promulgating laws, issuing Executive Orders, and even providing state forces to protect said investments. These ‘business as usual’ practices fueled by neo-liberal globalization further decimate the already fragile and deteriorating state of our environment. It also undermines the rights of the people, endangers vulnerable sectors especially the poor and accelerates our climate crises.

The deafening groans of creation and the cries of the most vulnerable impels us to unite and act as a people of faith, in the light of Biblical imperatives to be good stewards of the whole inhabited earth.

Thus, the Council reiterates its mission to uphold the rights and dignity of the marginalized, while doing its prophetic ministry to proclaim climate justice2. We will continue to be bearers of hope to the victims and survivors of human-induced and natural disasters through our accountable service, while acting locally and speaking globally towards safeguarding of the environment and its defenders. Specifically, we remind our member churches and ecumenical partners to:

  1. Help empower communities in the efforts to increase their capacities and lessen vulnerabilities to disasters by integrating education on stewardship of creation and disaster risk reduction-climate change adaptation (DRR-CCA) in their programs;
  2.  Assert climate justice and denounce the wanton destruction of the environment due to greed and exploitation by taking into account the historical roots of climate change, and critique neo-liberal development policies; and,
  3.  Support people-centered initiatives that strengthen local capacities in mitigation and disaster preparedness for future emergencies and promote sustainable solutions that enhance community resilience.

We also call on the people to prayerfully and wisely vote for candidates this coming national elections who have consistent track records and unwavering positions on preserving the integrity of creation and advancing pro-people programs.

When overproduction, overconsumption, and greed leave our world desperate for renewal and restoration, we must heed to the call to collectively and actively protect and restore God’s Oikoumene at all costs. Our Christian faith impels us to prevent the further destruction of our groaning creation, and to challenge and hold accountable the institutions, governments and corporations that allow for the destruction of the planet for profit. Until then, “…that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” (Romans 8:21)

In this united journey towards climate justice and resilience, we are called to act together.


02 February 2022


Vice – Chairperson

Vice – Chairperson

Vice – Chairperson

Corporate Treasurer

General Secretary

DOWNLOAD : NCCP Statement of Support to CBCP’s 2022 Pastoral Letter on Ecology

1 NCCP Policy Paper on Ecology adopted by the General Convention, November 1991

2 NCCP Resolution on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction 2014